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By Alice Price


Adele and Keira Knightley are just two names on a long list of celebrities that use hypnotherapy for mental health issues and addictions. 

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to induce a state of rapid eye movement (REM). Whilst in a trancelike state, hypnotherapists can access the subconscious to re-train the mind, essentially changing patterns which make us mentally ill. 

Although you are placed in a trance “most people will be quite aware and fully in control during sessions,” says Sam Hayes, clinical hypnotist, councillor and coach at Freedom House. 

This remedy is often used alongside other medication. One study has suggested that hypnotherapy is more effective than CBT in treating depression. Sam Hayes adds, “Many changes can be made after a session or two. It is definitely worth trying.” 

*This is an educational project by students at City, University of London. If you have any complaints about the content of this website please write to: Coral James O'Connor, lecturer, Department of Journalism, City University of London, Northampton Square London, EC1 OHB

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