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By Lauren Burns


One of the most popular holistic therapies- that even Kylie Jenner swears by- is crystal healing.  


Crystals have been used for centuries to absorb our negative energies and heal our unbalanced auras.  


Sue Mulroy, a holistic healer, uses five stones to help people struggling with their mental health.  


For beginners, she recommends carrying the crystals or meditating with them. 


Anxiety - Blue lace agate 


Blue lace agate calms your vibrational frequencies as it ushers in a sense of peace and serenity.   

Sue says: “You can see its gentle energy just by looking at it and feel instantly tranquil.”  


Sleep - Smoky quartz 


“This is a very spiritual stone that grounds excess energy. Having unbalanced energy patterns makes us uneasy and keeps us awake”, says Sue.  

She recommends meditating with smoky quartz before bed to feel more rested. 




Depression - Carnelian 


“The orange colour of carnelian combines the positive elements of gold and passionate red – it is literally the colour of joy.” 

This positive energy is transferable to us. 




Stress - Amethyst 


Tumbled stones - crystals without the jagged edges - are much easier to work with but amethyst rarely comes likes this. However, Sue says this stone possesses such strong healing powers and is so good at relieving tension that she would still recommend it. 




Love and confidence - Rose Quartz 

Sue says: “This crystal can help where there is disharmony. It is excellent at healing a broken heart and making us feel more in-tune with our bodies.  “It acts as a gateway to self-love.”  

*This is an educational project by students at City, University of London. If you have any complaints about the content of this website please write to: Coral James O'Connor, lecturer, Department of Journalism, City University of London, Northampton Square London, EC1 OHB

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